Omnivore: A free read-it-later app for highlighting, note-taking, and text-to-speech

My long time readers will know that my go-to read-it-later app is Goodlinks, but it lacks two features I’d like to see in the future: highlighting with notes and text-to-speech. I’ve stumbled upon a free read-it-later app that offers both these features, and it’s called Omnivore!

The text-to-speech quality in most read-it-later apps is subpar. In my experience, the best read-it-later app for text-to-speech is Matter. However, Matter is subscription-based and a bit expensive for my budget. So, I was thrilled to discover Omnivore. Its text-to-speech is exceptional.

While I won’t be ditching Goodlinks, I’ll be using Omnivore for listening to articles and for reading articles that require highlighting and note-taking.

Since we’re on the topic of read-it-later apps, Instapaper has announced a subscription price increase effective January 1, 2024.

We are increasing the price of Instapaper Premium from $3/month ($30/year) to $6/month ($60/year). This will be our first price change to Instapaper Premium in 9 years.

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